Tali Peretz Laor
received her B.Ed in Dance and Teaching from Kibbutzim College, and her Diploma from the Rambert School of Dance in London. Tali has worked with Inbal Pinto Dance Company and Ido Tadmor Dance Company. Additionally, she has participated in various projects based in London, North Carolina and Israel, several of which involved Yossi Berg and Oded Graf and Shlomit Fundaminsky. Also, Tali won the Dance Web scholarship in Vienna.
Ido Gidron
graduated from the High School of the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance. As a student he was accepted into Bat Sheva Dance Company’s “Project of Excellence”, which he participated in for two years in a row. He was also accepted to attend summer courses at The Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company and The Julliard School of Performing Arts. Dancer of the Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company. Today Dancer of Ensemble Bat Sheva.
Ilana Ballsan
was born in 1982. Ilana is a creative artist and winner of the Dancer Performer Award from the Ministery of Education, Culture and Sport in 2007, and the Yair Shapira Award in 2005.
Ilana has danced in, and collaborated with, the Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company. She has danced with Barak Marshall, The Clipa Theater, Natalie Mandel, Doron Raz, Inbal Oshman and Arthur Astman.
Ilana dances Butoh and conducts rehearsals and workshops througout Israel and abroad.
Nir Even-Shoham
was born in 1983 in Rishon L'Tzion. He danced for ten years with The Kibbutz Contemorary Dance Company in Israel run by its Artistic Director Rami Be'er. Nir played an integral part in the creative process of the company. He created, taught, danced and toured Israel and the world with the company. While working on the project "Masa" at The Galilee Dance Village, Nir created the dance productions "Look", "We're On It", "Make", "The Way" and "What I saw There".
In 2010, Nir danced in the works by Cristina de Chatel "Pulse", and in Idan Sharabi's "I Drooped the Ceiling to the Floor". In 2012, NIr created two works for The Kibbutz Dance Company "Home" and "Day Too Soon". At the end of 2014 moved to Tel Aviv. He is currently dancing in Maya Michlal Gelfand's creations of "Run" and "You Move I Move."
Mattheus Paul van Rossum
is a Dutch artist from Amsterdam. He received his education at the Amsterdam School of Arts, obtaining a Bachelors in Dance. He later went on to go to the Kibbutz Contemporary dance
company in Israel, where he went on to work with many great choreographers. He now resides in Tel Aviv where he is a co-founder of the Mattheus//Rebecca Dance Company and is currently working with the Rina Schenfeld company, and the Maya Gelfand Ensemble.